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Pilot Project



qathet Inclusive Manufacturing Pilot Project (qIM) restructures a social enterprise to be inclusive using best practices to address employment barriers and to build competencies of people who have disabilities. Over 18-months we will test and research an inclusive model of employment in manufacturing by hiring 25 people, 50% or less identify as having an intellectual disability and 50% or more identify as having another disability or barrier to employment as well as those who do not identify as having a barrier. We will provide fair compensation for team training developed for the project and provide on-the-job training in a long-term employment setting.  In addition the project will provide organizational development tools and resources to the supervisory staff to operate an inclusive, productive and effective workplace. 


The project aims to assess the validity of this inclusive employment model, and to establish the factors with high impact that lead to productive participation in the labour force by people with and without disabilities. We have hired Research Consultant Janet Newbury, PhD who also authored our literature review, to conduct research over the course of 18-months. The results of the research are disseminated in three reports on the outcomes of the project. 

The qIM Pilot Project will remain compliant with orders from the BC Health Office and has both a Safety Plan and Action Plan that will allow us to operate for the duration of the pandemic. 


Find the Literature Review here




The project is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, through the Community and Employer Partnership program. qIM is a pilot of CEP receiving new funding that is meant to support employment for people with disabilities. qIM is also funded by Victoria Foundation, Vancouver Foundation Investment Readiness Program, Powell River Community Forest and Powell River Community Response Fund.


The project holder is inclusion Powell River partnered with Powell River Model Community Project for Persons with Disabilities Society (PRMCP) who is responsible for all operations of the fire starter manufacturing business. 


The Team Training and inclusive employment model data will be shared with the public. Project outcomes will be shared with MSDPR policy makers to determine if new social policies need to be in place to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities.

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